Just the other day I saw a young twitter friend of mine saying she was hungry, she didnt have enough money, she was trapped in a flat unsuitable for a wheelchaie user.
I have seen so many people go hungry, homeless. A growing number of Foodbanks
Thousands face the prospect of job losses +dire poverty. I remember that poverty.going hungry, being cold.
4 of us shared a bed, not a room, a bed in a one bedroom tenement with no toilet.
That was long ago and Im appalled that some families still live in similar conditions 2/3
That in a wealthy country anyone should go hungry is disgraceful. That anyone should live in an unfit house is disgraceful.
I have family in Scotland, Wales and England.
Scotland has an SNP gov. Wales has Labour, England has Conservative unfortunately. 3/4
Scotland and Wales have the chance of independence. Lets go for it. My hope is this will break up the toxic British state and enable everyone to flourish. England neednt be condemned to perpetual Tory rule. Labour can and need to be bolder. 4/5
Now I am hopeful SNP will seize the opportunity sooner rather than later to get Independence..before it is snatched away.
The new NEC offers that chance. To concentrate on the goal, to fight against oppression and poverty, not to be distracted. 6/7
Unity of purpose is the weapon that will work. 7/8
Wales has a Labour government and Plaid Cymru. Some councils are Labour/Plaid and that is okay. Because if both realise Wales and its people is what matters, I believe Labour may eventually come round to realising Independence is what will help free the shackles of poverty.8/9
In both countries, the need is to focus constantly on the goal, the means to achieving that goal. We need both younger + older people.
Older people like me remember the poverty. We are now seeing it again. If Equality means anything it means ending poverty 9/10
It means ensuring the sick and disabled are not stuck in wee damp flats that cannot fit in a wheelchair. It means people no matter where they come from feel welcome and can get the same opportunities as everyone else.10/11
Equality also means women's rights should be protected and women should not end up scared to speak out. Domestic Violence and femicide are at an all time high. This is a shocking fact.
Lets get independence for Scotland and Wales by focussing on the priorities, by pointing out the advantages independence can bring, by making sure no one is left out and that we speak for All marginalised people.
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