This to me is an interesting thread to read.
I've been reading a lot of people complaining about NJPW's booking in 2020 and most times, don't think of the long term.
Reading this...I have a much better understanding than ever b4.
Also...I want to point something about Ibushi-Naito on January 4th.
The person who asked for that match was Tetsuya Naito.
The company (in my opinion) only went with the request because Naito said if he didn't wrestle both nights, he'd boycott the whole show.
Which is why I believe he'll beat Ibushi on January 4th and face Jay White on January 5th.'s already been hinted since Jingu Stadium that they would eventually face each other.
The spider plays a big clue to the match happening.
All I got to say now on this and again...this is an interesting thread to read.
Sometimes, I just wish people would understand long-term storytelling.
Sad we'd live in a world where every1 wants a quick conclusion.
Me...I like stories that'll eventually have that ending because the long-term just makes it better for me.
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