1) In many ways I’m astonished that it takes a high court judgement to validate the arguments that gender critical people have been making for years now. But the judgement lays bare the fact that those behind the Affirmative Approach are ideologues, not evidence based clinicians
2) There now needs to be a serious enquiry about the various factors which enabled experimental treatment to be tried on thousands of children. In this inquiry, I suspect that the prevailing transgender ideology may well be put in the dock and found to be sinister and harmful.
3) An enquiry needs to look at the links between the pharmaceutical industry and doctors, psychologists, politicians and those in positions of power. An enquiry needs to look at the ways in which ‘charitable’ organisations like Mermaids, despite having NO medical expertise, have
4) received government funds to advocate for puberty blockers, breast binders and surgery which like puberty blockers has no evidence based as to it efficacy in treating body dysphoria. We need to ask WHY no one in power asked ‘is this really a good idea’? Adults hold a position
5) of power and responsibility in the care of children and young people. Questions need to be asked about why so few people stopped to fully examine the co-morbid mental health conditions that children and young people present along side gender dysphoria.
6) Questions need to be asked about whether a specialist service for gender dysphoria is the best way to help sufferers. The evidence suggests it has attracted therapists who are ideological motivated who pressurised and bullied therapists who advocated caution.
7) We need to get to the bottom of how this malpractice has been allowed to happen & compensation must be paid to the young people whose health has been permanently affected. The Kid Company scandal was bad enough, the magnitude of puberty blockers scandal is a different league.
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