Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan says that between a third and half of those sleeping in tents and doorways want accommodation, but can’t get a bed. “Homeless people end up sleeping rough because the councils are implementing these bureaucratic rules ..." 2/6
For 22 days, Mendicity Institution CEO Louisa Santoro has been trying to get a homeless hostel bed for a man who used to live in Galway. “If he has no connection to Dublin City Council, then there are no options available to him,” a DHRE staff member wrote. "He is Galway's." 3/6
This experience, documented in emails and a recorded phone call, conflicts with DRHE head Eileen Gleeson's recent statement on RTÉ radio that her agency doesn't refuse to accommodate homeless people from other counties. “No,” she said when the interviewer raised that concern. 4/6
“When you are calling it out, it’s as if you are screaming into a vacuum and there is nobody listening,” says independent Councillor Anthony Flynn, who is also CEO of the charity Inner City Helping Homeless. Says Green Party Councillor Janet Horner: “It is very difficult ..." 6/6
UPDATE: On RTÉ Radio 1's Morning Ireland today, Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien said that a local connection is not necessary to access homeless services. "I have heard of some instances that that may have happened in the past. We don't want that to happen."
Although Housing Minister @DarraghOBrienTD went on Morning Ireland today and said that not having a local connection shouldn't keep someone from getting a bed in a homeless hostel on these freezing nights, people are still being refused. 1/3
Today, a representative of the Mendicity Institute called Dublin Region Homeless Executive to try to get a bed for the night for a person who used to live in Galway. In the call, which he recorded, he says he heard what the minister said about not needing a local connection. 2/3
But when trying to rely on Housing Minister @DarraghOBrienTD's statement on Morning Ireland in order to get this man a bed, he is told by DRHE: "We have not received any clarity on that just at the moment." No bed. You can listen to the call here: 3/3
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