Let’s talk about Matera.

Haven’t said much on it, but I know two things, he’s said what he said and it’s terrible.

There are no excuses, no justification and no one needs to forgive him but there is an interesting conversation in there about how people can and might change.
“Even as a 17 year old I knew that was wrong” "it was only 10 years" . That’s great but you’re not Pablo Matera.

We’re all a product of our environment, 8-10 years ago I was certainly a different person.
What’s different, and what I hope has made me a better person is my circle of influence. My Family, my Colleagues my Friends who have helped me understand and grow and learn. Who have said “that’s not ok” or “I think that’s wrong Graeme”.

Good people, who held me to account.
10 years is a long time. Has Matera's circle of influence changed? Inevitably it has, he’s moved overseas, he’s played with and under different coaches and with people from different countries and not been subjected to the same environment a teenage Argentine boy might.
That can be a powerful mechanism for change. Change of Culture, Change of Peers, Change of Status.

The experience of isolation is a powerful one.
Has he changed? I don’t know. Could he have changed yes.

Does he need to prove it? Yes. Actions speak louder than words and I guess time will tell.

Till then it's right he's suspended and investigated and punished.
This isn't to say feel sorry for him, forgive him, I just find the idea that people can't change interesting as it's the opposite of my experiences.

Here's hoping he's true to his word and has.
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