#bkdk #bnha #nsfw (Modern A/B/O Royalty Au)

Izuku Midoriya wants a baby. A suspicious call from a sperm at 5 am gives him all the hope he could ever ask for, until it leads him to crash right into the King of the Empire. If only he had been wearing his seat belt.
"Izuku Midoriya?"

The green haired omega’s head jerks upward to see the nurse, clad in a baby blue pair of scrubs with an oddly fabricated smile across her lips. She’s an older woman, tall and slim with a fat wedding ring wound around her finger.
He envies that tiny band of gold. He envies the glittering diamond nestled in the gold claws of the ring.

The brunette gestures with her hand for him to follow her into one of the multiple private rooms. The rooms are mostly quiet, save for a sob
from across the hall or a shriek of joy. For him, it’s a visit with the specialist that he hopes will end in tearful joy. He's slightly overwhelmed by the pictures of swelling abdomens and sonograms framed on the walls regardless of his mindset entering the clinic.
The nurse escorts him into a miniature waiting room with an examination bed and two chairs for extra company, not like he’ll need it. The beige walls are different from what he’s used to as he spends most of his day in the infant ward at the hospital.
The nurse curtly closes the door behind him with a click and the greenette is left to his own thoughts. He wonders if the degrees nailed to the walls are copies of the real ones and perhaps Doctor Kim wants everyone to see them- like a child shoving their newly
made drawing into their parent’s face, ecstatic for their newest creation.

Thankfully, Izuku’s patients are too young for such antics, only having the capacity to sleep, eat, poop, cry, and occasionally smile toothlessly.
Izuku's fingers claw into his tensing thighs; the muscles clench at the pressure of the digits and throb subtlety. The greenette is brought back to his senses when the doctor enters the room.

He’s an elderly Korean man who is small and cute;
the scientific society refers to people like him and Izuku as carriers, but normal people would label them as omegas. Carriers were discovered only a century ago with the world just coming to terms with males being able to pop out babies nonchalantly.
"Izuku! It's great to see you again!"

Doctor Kim greets him with a giant toothy grin, claiming his place on the black stool. It rolls back a few inches due to the force of the elderly man and Izuku smiles in return, cheerfully.

"It's good to see you too!"
The doctor nods as he picks up his clipboard.

"You know, it's not common to see a carrier like yourself at a fertility clinic."

The doctor chides. The emerald haired omega just shrugs in response.

"I'm not looking to be a normal omega, Doctor Kim."
The greenette giggles softly.

“I should have known.”

The doctor joins Izuku in a low toned chuckle before scanning the papers more closely, slipping his glasses up his nose in order to analyze the words.
“I remember when I was your age, you must have plenty of suitors, right?”

“Not any that meet my standards,”

Izuku states bluntly, causing the other male to chuckle. It’s not common in society that a carrier would want to become a single parent.
Such things are either taboo or just odd, but then again, Izuku is odd in general.

"That's what I like about you, Midoriya. You want something, you get it."

"So what are the results?"

The smaller questions suddenly.
The smaller questions suddenly. The doctor glances back at him then goes to examine the clipboard for the third time.

He flips to the next page and Izuku's gripping the underside of his seat. His knuckles turn a pure white like the snow atop the
mountains caging in the glittering city Izuku has become accustomed to. He wants this so bad and the answer is on that sheet, just awaiting the sudden announcement barely on the edge of climax.

His eyes begin to burn a hole in the back of the beige clipboard,
hoping that suddenly he develops the power of x-ray vision somehow. He ends up sucking his bottom lip between his two pearly white sets of teeth in suspension, nibbling consistently as the seconds on the wall clock tick by.

The elderly man gazes over at Izuku with solemn eyes,
eyes that are old and pity filled.

"Your reproductive organs are almost perfect, which unfortunately doesn’t work in your favour. "

Izuku isn’t sure what that means. In all the time he’s spent in the hospital and as a doctor, he’s never heard of such a condition.
What does that even mean? Maybe specializing in OB. would have been a smarter choice.

"If you had an issue, the government funding would go through fine, but seeing as there is nothing wrong, there is no reason to go through with artificial insemination."
Izuku listens carefully to the doctor, bringing his gaze toward his feet- it’s the only way to stop the tears from breaching the inner corners of his eyes.

A family is all he's ever wanted since he left college at the age of 24. He wants a child,
a baby that would be his and only his; his own little miracle that no one can take away from him. Izuku's job as a doctor in the newborns unit gave him endless experience and the daily taunt of childlessness, leaving him aching with loneliness and longing
every time he saunters home on the subway.

"So you're saying that I won't be able to apply for a sperm donor? I-I can pay for it if I have to and I don't mind going many times-"

Doctor Kim places his hand on the green haired omega’s shoulder. Izuku physically shakes as he jerks his head up to meet the kind doctor's eyes.
"I'm not saying you can't, most sperm banks won’t take a chance on you, seeing as you’re so young. My suggestion is to wait a little longer, find love, have a life, then settle down with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with."

Izuku frantically shakes his head,
Izuku frantically shakes his head, repeating the word ‘no’ repeatedly in a soft whisper.

That’s not his plan and it never has been, he can’t wait for some guy that’s never going to show up.

"No, I don't want to wait anymore! I've wanted this since I was-"
The doctor interrupts him once again.

"I know it's hard, Mr. Midoriya, but life can be cruel."

The two share a small silence before Doctor Kim stands from his stool. It gives a wheeze after being under his weight for just a short amount of time.
"I only want to save you the money and heartache, Izuku. Don't mistake my suggestion with cruelty."

Izuku agrees with his statement, knowing the old doctor wouldn't do such a thing. He’s known Doctor Kim for years after all.
He used to be his family doctor and when he switched to fertility, Izuku knew he would be the only man to trust with his future.

"Focus on your career, save up for a house, a car, or maybe go back to school for a second degree. You never know what will happen."
The younger male leaves Doctor Kim's clinic and makes his way home. He had gotten off from work and went straight to the clinic in a whirlwind of excitement and now he drags himself along the concrete. It’s as if his dreams are slowly sinking into the darkest
parts of his mind, swallowed by his doubts.

His feet skid against the sidewalk and he barely dodges the people rushing in the opposite direction on the busy streets. The booming of loudly playing music makes it to his ears as he passes a luxurious club.
The beat vibrates through his feet and across the pavement to the point he feels as if the music is slithering into his skull.

Izuku hears the king goes to party there from time to time. The green haired carrier continues walking past the club without
another thought about the expensive looking building.



The glass of whisky did nothing to calm the young king's nerves. Even the sight of sexy, sweaty bodies grinding against each other through his darkened crimson eyes brought nothing but boredom. The alcohol buzzes lowly in his blood,
humming to a calm tone before dipping with the base of the music.

The buzz drops and the king reaches for his chilled glass. Another swig of whisky is downed and the king searches for another bottle. He spies it on the glass table, stuck in a tub of ice.
The blond haired man reaches for it, leaning over the arm of his chair where his hand is halted by a grip around his wrist. He knows who it is by the cold fingers latching onto his fiery skin. He notices the hair on his arm standing to attention like soldiers in a drill.
"Why must you stop all my fun?"

The king drawls slowly, his fingers pass through the blond tresses of his hair. Each strand is perfectly placed along his scalp as if an artist selected each and every individual strand. The other male laughs at his dear friend,
taking a seat beside the dazed ruler.

"You know why. You have a reputation to uphold, an image for the people to idolize and as of right now, you can't even sit up straight."

The king rolls his head to look at his advisor’s vibrant yellow eyes.
The king has always admired his eyes as they resembled yellow gems that he could never quite name.

"An image that stays strong no matter what I do. It's not like I am worse than my old man who got drunk every evening, Denki."
"But that's exactly why you need to be careful, bro. The people are looking for some kind of screw up, a flaw in your so called ‘godly empire’-"

"Since when do you have the fucking right to call me brother?"

The king snorts,
his hand snatching the whisky bottle from the advisor.

"Since we are alone and I'm the closest thing you have to one."

With a flick of his wrist, the liquid in the bottle is gone as Denki had electrified the bottle into cracking near the bottom,
allowing for all the liquid to run free in the ice bucket. Katsuki holds up the empty bottle with a frown.

Having abilities such as Denki's is rare to encounter, but in the empire of Viridian, around five percent of the population has them; a lot of them are from
regular middle class houses. It helps to identify people with powerful gifts as they bear unique eye colours for asian standards; some blue, some grey, maybe if some are lucky they have striking green orbs. In Denki's case, he is rarer than most
precious gems with his yellow hair and eyes.

"Shinsou won’t be fucking pleased to hear you say that shit, and remind me again why I haven't had you beheaded yet?"

Katsuki reaches into the bucket, clenching his fist around the neck of another bottle.
"Because you love me?"

Denki frames his lower face with his outstretched palms while holding a cute smile. Katsuki stoic expression turns into a small grin. He can't help it as Denki knows exactly how to cheer him up.
"You almost made me forget the palace affairs with that."

The king chuckles softly before returning to his drinking. This time, he ditches the glass, just drinking from the bottle now.

"You mean... About the queen?"
A hum leaves Katsuki's throat and Denki cringes inwardly.

"I heard the rumour. Do you think it's true?"

Katsuki once again stays silent, his attention is stuck on the sloshing glass filled with brown liquid.

"I don't like that silence." Denki says, but the king shrugs.
"I couldn't care less. If the bitch is truly barren as the rumours suggests, then I can get rid of her, maybe marry someone I actually love."

"She won't like that and you know it."

"I know, I know."

Katsuki mumbles into the rim of his bottle.
"Then why even think about that?"

"The queen is no fucking saint just like this country's dear beloved king. She has not only poisoned the court, but has also tried to poison my food on one or more occasions. The shitty taste testers are terrified of my meals now."
Katsuki snorts as he recalls how the taste testers play rock paper scissors to see who has to take the first bite.

“The longer she stays in power, the longer she has to overthrow me. Who you rather have? A vindictive queen or me as a ruler?"
Denki doesn't answer and simply frowns.

"You can't kick her out, it's as hard as kicking a whore out of bed without payment."

Katsuki can't help, but chuckle at Denki's vulgar analogy. It’s odd coming from such a dunce.
"That much is true. The whore may not know it, but I've known of her being barren ever since our honeymoon. I've wasted so much cum on her,"

The advisor gags at the king’s foul words.

"You could have said something less... Graphic..."
Katsuki rubs his neck with his free hand and smirks.

"Would you rather have me gone into greater detail?"

The advisor quickly shakes his head. Silence grew between the two as they stare down at the many people grinding on each other on the dance floor.
The lights flash obnoxiously and Katsuki ponders for a moment why he even bothers coming to such a shit hole.

"How will you get rid of her?"

Katsuki's eyes flicker across the ocean of people and he slowly sighs. The music pounding loud hardly
makes it inside the thick bullet proof glass room, but the purple lights flash in Katsuki's face annoyingly.

He closes his eyes and allows himself to drift off into a drunken stupor.

"I don't know,"

He mumbles quietly,

"I don't fucking know."

[ T B C ]
I set a goal on Kofi for the next update! I hope y’all like this one even more than my other one :) I’m so sorry about twitter fucking it up. I hope y’all can forgive me for not noticing! https://ko-fi.com/cummandzero 
You can follow @Cummandzero.
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