#HONEYFRAUD- @CSEINDIA and @down2earthindia present an investigation into the mother of all food frauds based on laboratory tests in #India and abroad- WATCH IT LIVE now-
#CSEStudy- Lab tests find that almost all honey we consume is adulterated with sugar syrup. #HoneyFraud- https://www.cseindia.org/report-laboratory-results-of-honey-testing-10494
#HoneyFraud: Indian standards for honey purity cannot ‘catch’ this kind of adulteration #csestudy
Expose by @CSEINDIA- Syrup designed to pass Indian Standards #HoneyFraud
CSE Expose: We sent honey of 13 brands for advanced tests to Germany; the same samples that passed in India failed adulteration tests in Germany #HoneyFraud #CSEStudy- https://www.cseindia.org/media-invitation-press-conference-10488
You can follow @CSEINDIA.
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