I get asked quite a lot why I do what I do fighting lockdowns, Tiers etc.

What some may not know is that my last account was deleted by twitter because I was supporting Boris, and I was trying to organise a clap for boris when he was in ICU.
I felt in wave 1, that at the time the situation was unprecedented and I was very supportive.

But post May as more & more data came in I began to question the strategy as the data was beginning to contradict the policy.

By July it also became clear to ne that the data was
Not fit for pupose, that the data being used for the management of the pandemic was becoming a blunt tool.

It also became clear to me that Sage in my view had another agenda.
This was at odds with my conservative free market liberal ideals.

So that is why i began to share data that wasn't being shared with ordinary people, and I hope to push for a moee nuanced management of the virus and the NHS.
The effective suspension of the NHS in wave 1 the evidence suggests was not in hindsight ever needed. And that the long term cost to health was becoming a health timebomb.

In my view that was going to cost more lives than covid could ever take.
People often acuse anti lockdown people of being heartless and granny killers.

This is far from the truth and a method used to shut down debate. We are called dangerous.

We are none of those.

Wanting a sensible, rational argued and risk managed approach is not abnormal.
I get accused of being anti tory, bit hard as I have generally been a member of the party since 1989.

However, i cannot see the logic in destroying your economy when there is a clear better policy of shielding, vaccine develoment and treatment development combined with
A strategic management of NHS teams to support covid surge areas.

We are destroying jobs hand over fist, businesses are going to the wall, mental health is in serious trouble, kids education and we have lost our humanity.

We must, must stop, think and start again.
Lastly, one benefit, i have got to interact with people who feel the same across the political spectrum and from all walks of life.

A small plus in a nightmare year.

Commonsense appears to me the first victim in this, we need its return.
Ps I am now also on Instagram so you can follow me there too...
You can follow @Stat_O_Guy.
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