I’ve seen a few people on here stating GPs have been idle this year. A quick thread.
GPs are compelled to follow the govt rules on absolutely reducing footfall in to the practice. It’s not their decision, but they’re still working hard. I’ve been in & out of GPs all year...
for my own health reasons. My own GP has phoned me from the practice at 8.30pm before, still not finished her day’s work. 10 has been in & out as well. GPs still seeing patients that need seen. They’re doing a LOT of telephone triage, which is an incredible amount of paperwork...
..& needs a lot of careful clinical decision making. They’re still doing their home visits to the vulnerable too. BUT they’re also doing the covid telephone triage from NHS24 calls. In our area, they also set up & run the covid assessment centres, treating covid patients who..
...require medical intervention but not at admission stage. Just because there’s been a change to their roles, it doesn’t mean they’re doing bugger all. They’re still busy, they’re having direct contact with covid patients, they’re still seeing their usual patients....
And they’re following government rules about footfall in practices.
Just because you don’t know what’s going on, doesn’t mean GPs are sitting on the internet pissing their days away. They’re plenty busy.
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