Every Bachelorette Contestant and what Greek chapter they’d be in.
A Thread:
Wants everyone to be “real” and “vulnerable” but struggles to attach herself to anything that isn’t a big calculated act.
If she ain’t a KKG then I’m not an AGD
A nurse, caught up in drama he didn’t ask for, and you just can’t catch a bead on him.
Let’s be real, he’s the chill RA at Stimson
Chill guy, always down for a good time. No one has a problem with him. But no one really cares about him either.
Screams Betas
Don’t know his name, but he looks like every sophomore in Phi Sigs.
Handsome douche with money. Seems like the kinda guy SigEp bids and regrets but can’t get rid of.
Big strong man, softy on the inside.
He’s that one guy in AGR that doesn’t farm
I can’t explain it, but he plays beer dye on Sigma Pi’s porch at noon everyday.
Demar is my guy.
He’s the supervisor of morale at SAE
He’s a salesman just like the pyramid scheme TKE freshman do every summer selling bug spray or some shit. You know what I’m talking about.
Ivan fucks
Engineer who has it all working. Def the pride of PKT
Some tough struggles in his past, now on the straight and narrow.
For sure a D-Sig president who thinks he’s making a difference but is actually just getting taken advantage of. Everyone drinks in the house behind his back.
Coulda joined any chapter he wanted, but was pulled into PiKapps because guys from his high school made him summer sign ASAP. He apathetically accepted this reality.
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