if you don’t believe me
You go into any random RSS Shaka in any part of the country and any time in the year. And see what they teach those students - Patriotism, Service, Goodness, Honesty and Simplicity. It is done every day and all throughout the year.9/12
Tell me which Ivy League Univ, IIT, IIM, St Stephens, Doon school or any school where you pay lakhs of rupees as fees teach it? I have been to world’s top Universities, have 6 degrees but no where my education taught me patriotism or goodness.
It is my dad who taught me 10/12
and the books I read written by Swami Vivekananda or the man I idolise Shaheed Bhagat Singh who did this. RSS shakhas do it for all the Sangh goers everyday. Hence people like Modi are so patriotic and honest. I don’t care if he went to school or he has MA or not. A person 11/12
who reads Swami Vivekanand or goes to a RSS Shaka is any day better than a crook with IIT or Harvard degree.Yes that is what we need to realise. Believe in your own ethos or the goodness of your own country. You will any day be better than believing in those degrees. 12/12
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