The Indo-Ganga basin with rich Himalayan alluvial is the world’s most fertile land supporting the densest populations on earth.

Within that, it’s a myth that Punjab soil is particularly rich.

Here are the real factors that better explain the higher yield of Punjab.

1. The first factor is popular adoption of engineered High Yield Variety seeds since 1960s. While the other states were slow, Punjab was quick to adopt new seeds, not only of wheat but also of rice. (Giving up the rich biodiversity of 100s of Indian varieties is a wise policy?)
2. High chemical use.

Punjab gave up organic manure long back and adopted chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

For decades it is excessive chemical use leader. In 1985 it was using 6x India average!

While others too joined the race, Punjab still uses nearly TWICE India avg.
3. Water and Diesel guzzling.

Despite being naturally awash with water, Punjab built a policy of excessive and wasteful irrigation policy. Free power promoted injudicious water use.

High yield at the cost of natural resources. Not sustainable. Now Punjab groundwater is v low.
4. Punjabis are big farmers with large land holdings. Bhudaan of Vinoba Bhave was largely a failure in Punjab.

An average Punjabi farmer has 3 times the operating holding size of India average. Large farms = higher yield.

These are the main reasons why Punjab’s yield is higher.
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