As an ANC, it my duty to dunk on this. Bad ANCs get press and actually harm their neighborhood in tangible ways. But nobody celebrates the unseen good.
For example, it was ANC 6B who told the DC Office of Planning during 1333 M Street SE PUD negotiations that, no, 90 affordable of 900 total units was not good enough. Our work added 20% more affordable units and lowered the income threshold for all 2 bedroom affordable units.
It was ANC 6B who said that excluding Lower Barracks Row from affordable housing requirements was it right. And it’s in the process of being fixed (along with the Georgetown and Anacostia Historic Districts)
It was ANC 6B who said (we’re entering The Weeds™) record lot conversion standards on pre-2016 alley tax lots were too onerous and restricted development. And our advocacy fixed this (thanks @nickburgerdc!)
And here’s something an owner of a nonconforming garage in a historic district should care about. It will be ANC’s who lead the charge n 2021 to loosen accessory building development guidelines in historic districts and (hopefully) let Matt add a second story to his garage
And it’s ANC 6B that is planning on doing the legwork to make zoning consistent with the new Comp Plan future land use map and make a template for other ANCs.
Typos aside, empowering ANCs to do good work. supporting good candidates/commissioners, and fully understanding land use policies in DC goes a lot farther than pithy tweets and incoherent letters opposing a net upzoning in Ward 5.
You can follow @coreyholman.
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