DID YOU KNOW: High volume GoFundMe creators will sometime pay a commission to *influencers* to raise $$$ for their fund.
The means to correctly calculate who influenced the donation is as simple as an Affiliate Marketing link or badge on a specific site that tracks clickthroughs.
This is why you will see multiple *influencers* pumping out shout-outs to specific GoFundMes or a "go to my website and click "donate to xxx".
This method of fundraising is completely legal, but is it morally acceptable? Often the funds are being raised by families of deceased.
GoFundMe "experts" recommend "seeding" an account with $50 to get it started -manipulating the user to believe that it is "popular" enough to attract at least that donor. This conduct is actually against many social media policies -such as auto-retweet bots or buying followers.
Large GoFundMes can continue to raise funds even after they exceed their stated goal. The size of the contributions are often mistakenly equated to the legitimacy of the fund. Again the manipulation.
Other factors are timing, controversy, and *influencers* *supporting* the fund.
When you see a GoFundMe being promoted by a known *influencer* don't immediately take it as something they actually $.upport, or as a charitable cause worth supporting, but also don't discredit it either.
When possible donate directly at GoFundMe AND ALWAYS do your research.
You can follow @JoeyCamp2020.
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