Evangelical Christians, to a perpetrator: It wasnt your fault, you were possessed. We will pray for you and you will be delivered from the evil spirits that made you a molestor.


Evangelical Christians to a survivor: did you ever contemplated suicide? Yes, then you must
repent from "having inviting Death inside you".

Are you angry against your abuser? Yes, then you must repent and forgive. If you dont forgive, God wont forgive you either and you will go to hell.

Are you having "impure" thoughts/acts? Yes, then you must repent and follow
this expensive and intense conversion therapy seminar.

No sexuality is allowed outside of straight matrimony. Look at all these single thriving Lesbians abstaining, this is what your future will look like. Join them.

(I cant believe, it took me until this day, 10 and 20y later to realise how abusive these MF were. Jeezus, I wanted to be good, do the right thing and they used this against me.

Guilt has suffocated me for all this time. I really tried to follow the path but it was just
impossible. And it killed me inside. Wow, I guess my eyes are opened now. I feel stupid for having believed them all against all my instincts.

Evangelical Christianity is a death cult. They dont want us to think for ourselves. They only want us to blindly follow. Lead by the
blinds indeed. I'm so angry and hurt. And I should be).
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