It's not a slogan but a policy demand.....that doesn't mean what it actually says, just something else. It gets us turning an overwhelming popular issue into one that is overwhelming unpopular just b/c of the dog-shit slogan (that again, doesn't mean what it says).
Let's just be honest here. All that's really happening is an unwillingness to admit the obvious- that 'defund the police is a huge political loser- b/c you & your compatriots are more interested in being right than making progress & have decided to take the criticism personally.
Poll after poll says this. You can't even decide whether 'defund the police' means what it says it does or actually it means something different. Just scrap the shitty slogan & focus on the actual popular policy; it really isn't that hard, if you actually care about doing smthng.
Much of the online Left (& some of the Online Left elected officials) need to frame everything as if they are the only ones *truly* fighting for morality & who care about the real issues, when in reality, much of it is just driven by personal pique & pettiness.
(See: A certain 3-letter Rep's post-election behavior)
They're literally doing a reverse Frank Luntz- ie. taking unpopular positions like giving rich, Christian schools money & call it 'school choice', but in their case taking popular positions & calling it something unpopular. It's almost comical how bad at politics they are.
Frankly, they do the same damn thing labeling popular standard Dem positions with 'socialism', which like 'defund the police is not actually socialism. Socialism is a loser; people generally like social dem. polcies, but again, it's all about personally being right(eous).
It's literally just a slogan.

Guess we're just going to have to accept that we have counter-productive people on our side, stepping on any sort of coherent message, for the near future.
If you ever want to make the policy in the slogan a reality (assuming we're not going with the defund= abolish formulation today), Dems are going to need to win more state-wide elections. A political loser slogan is going to make it harder to do so.
Other Dems aren't even arguing against the policy. Most all agree with that, they're just saying drop the losing slogan. But that's too much because again, it's about being self-righteous more than it is about actually helping to implement policy to change things.
This would make sense if people were mainly talking about activists here, but we're not. We're literally talking elected Dems. Who are in congress to make policy for positive change (& in theory, they should want to see their own party win elections).
If Dems keep losing elections, than the entire framing of police reform on the national level is going to be set by the people flying the thin blue line police flags. Omar, Bush, AOC- they're all elected politicians, not purely activists. Stop making excuses for them.
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