1/ Thread. I think I solved #PardonGate & #PardonsForSale:
*The request for pardon was for Nickie Lum Davis who worked as a consultant for Elliott Broidy.*
- The lobbyist last name ends with (s)
- She was charged on August 24th and the redaction request was on August 28th
2/ - Both Broidy and Davis were senior White House official lobbyists.
- Both violated "The Foreign Agents Registration Act"
- Broidy's office was raided in 2019 and took iPhones and tech.
"Agents were authorized to use the megadonor’s hands and face to unlock any phones"
5/ #PardonGate #pardons to add to this story:
As highlighted below the criminal activity includes, not complying with the LDA. Davis was arrested for The Foreign Agents Registration Act part of the LDA. Making her part of a “secret lobbying scheme”.
7/ #PardonGate
Knox is not hired by Davis and did not report to Lowell and thus not operating as an agent for Davis. At most, Knox, providing a coordinated role between Broidy and the White House. To insure Broidy’s work on behalf of Davis’ clemency reaches the right officials.
Abbe David Lowell = Nickie Lum Davis’ lawyer
Jeffery Knox = Broidy’s lawyer.
It looks like the type forensics may work as well.
#PardonGate #Pardon #PardonsForSale https://twitter.com/_mikegottschalk/status/1334279051918233600
8/ #PardonGate #PardonsForSale
Who were Davis and Broidy originally lobbying for.... Roger Ng the Malaysian Extradited to the United States for the 1MDB scandal. He was taken into custody in May 2019.
12/ #PardonGate #PardonsForSale
2 Lobbyists (Nickie Davis and Elliot Broidy already pleaded guilty)
1 Briber in custody (Roger Ng, or Ng Chong Hwa)

Davis and Broidy were involved in the 1mbd scandal.
Hwa has two lawyer teams US/Malaysian.
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