People really can't tell the difference between deadnaming someone, and bringing up a deadname to explain that said person is no longer called their deadname.
If I walked up to someone I used to know, they would not recognize me. I'd have to explain how I know them, which would require both of us saying my deadname.

I cannot believe people don't understand that this is just how coming out goes.
There isn't an easy magical way to come out without talking about your deadname.

This isn't some trans fairytale land where deadnames no longer exist in the real world after coming out.

Legal documents still have your deadname, websites, documents, accounts, etc.
Misgendering is in of itself a deliberately malicious act. Where a person refuses to use the right name and/or pronouns despite being aware.

It's so fucking different from coming out and having to talk about your deadname. I can't believe this needs to be spelled out.
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