This is the whitest of white man nonsense. I swear to the lord above.
White men denigrating identity politics because class warfare is more important? Please raise your hands in the air and then slap yourselves across the face as hard as you can.
This shit is so incredibly irritating. “Your black ladiness is clouding your brain and you can’t see that it’s all class, man. IT’S ALL CLASS.”

Please fuck off for as long as you can
dirtbag left white male identity politics is garbage.
It’s as garbage as white male identity politics on the right.
I’m just going to drop this here and then float away into the darkness.

If you don’t even know where the term identity politics comes from, you should stop talking about it because you sound like an absolute fucking numpty
“We are not convinced, however, that a socialist revolution that is not also a feminist and anti-racist revolution will guarantee our liberation.”

sure, tell me more about how my identity politics is getting in the way of your class revolution. You daft fuckers
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