I have introduced a privileged resolution (meaning it must receive a floor vote) with @SenatorMenendez and @RandPaul to stop a massive, $23 billion sale of F-35s, Reaper drones, and munitions to the UAE.

This is really important, and I want you to understand why.

2/ First, a stipulation - the UAE has been a strong ally of the United States. They partner in fighting ISIS and countering malign Iranian influence, and they've been a key player in the détente between Gulf states and Israel, culminating in this fall's recognition accords.
3/ The UAE's recognition of Israel is a big deal. I fully support the Abraham Accords. But there was no invisible ink in that deal that obligated the United States to compromise our own security by selling wildly lethal weapons in the Middle East.
4/ My belief is that we SHOULD be in the security business with UAE, and that's why I've supported past arms sales to UAE.

But this sale is different. Why? a) the UAE's behavior has changed, and b) the scope of this sale is bigger than anything we've ever done in the region.
5/ In Yemen, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have killed thousands of civilians with U.S. made weapons. In Libya, the UAE is in violation of the international arms embargo. And there's evidence the UAE has illegally transferred U.S. military equipment to extremist militias in Yemen.
6/ It begs the question why the U.S. would reward this behavior with a record setting arms sale agreement. At the very least, we should receive clear, unbreakable assurances that the UAE's conduct in Libya and Yemen will change. That hasn't happened.
7/ Next, query whether what the Middle East is missing is highly lethal weaponized Reaper drones? Fueling an arms race in the Middle East is just bad policy - Iran will respond with its own ramp up, and every other Gulf nation will want similar weapons to keep up with the UAE.
8/ Finally, the UAE is unique - they have very close, active defense partnerships with both China and Russia. In the classified briefing, Trump officials could not detail how our most sensitive technology - on the Reapers and our F-35 jets - will not find its way to Russia/China.
9/ There is a level of arms transfer to UAE that could make sense. We SHOULD be a strategic ally of the Emirates. But rushing this sale through in a lame duck Administration is very dangerous. There are giant unanswered questions, and that's why Congress should stop it.
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