i agree with the Luke scene, and i can agree it shouldn’t be Anakin instead of Han. in a better trilogy, though, i think you have Ben talk to Anakin as well as his father. it would’ve been amazing to see Ben come face-to-face with the human version of the monster he worshipped. https://twitter.com/flilisoffexegol/status/1333895584449781764
Ben most likely knows about Anakin before and after Vader, which makes his worship of Vader more interesting to me. it speaks to Ben’s own conflict that he worships the evil part of a man he knows was good before his manipulation and in his dying moments.
he actively ignores who Anakin was before Vader and ignores the fact that he was redeemed and died as Anakin, and i think that shows Ben as trying to distract himself of his own feelings of ending Kylo and being Ben again.
and so i think that Ben not having at least a conversation with Anakin is such a missed opportunity, because if he could speak to someone whose life paralleled his own to an even more extreme degree then i think it’d make Ben’s conflict more interesting
finally, Anakin is the best character in Star Wars and he means a lot to me so he should’ve shown up for that alone 😎
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