Some people talk very precisely - a sentence means exactly what they said, and they might not agree with a sentence worded slightly differently. Other people talk vaguely - a sentence means that all similar-sounding ideas are bundled into the same concept. 1/
I lean towards the first category, and will say isolated, accurate things. But if you use words vaguely, then you might think I'm implying something which, imo, I am very much *not* implying. I meant exactly what I said, and no I don't see how you got that conclusion from it. 2/
e.g., yeah, we should question all moral intuitions. All moral intuitions includes necrophilia, yes. No, questioning a moral intuition does not mean we are condoning the thing. It's possible to still dislike necrophilia *after* probing your moral intuitions. I'm questioning-
moral intuitions about necrophilia on principle, not because I am particularly interested in necrophilia, but only because of it's instance in the principle.
Me saying "We should question moral intuitions around necrophilia" does NOT at all equal "Yeah necrophilia is awesome".
In my head this seems extremely clear and self evident, and it's pretty confusing to me how people continually don't seem to get this. They often describe me as a troll or attention seeker - no, I'm just on the autism spectrum and follow things through to their conclusions.
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