🚨Very exciting!
The authors describe the discovery of a live virus-vectored #SARSCoV2 vaxx candidate using the YF17D vaccine as vector to express a non-cleavable pre-fusion form of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike antigen.
Been waiting for this, let me tell you why😊 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-3035-9
✅Yellow Fever 17D=small RNA live-attenuated virus
✅YF17D vaccine induces broad polyfunctional humoral & cell-mediated immune responses that may result in life-long protection following a single vaccine dose in nearly all vaccinees! Yes that's right - Lifelong 💃🏾
✅These favorable characteristics translate also to vectored-vaccines based on the YF17D backbone!!!
✅YF17D is used as vector in two licensed human vaccines, generated by swapping genes encoding the YF17D surface antigens for JEV or dengue viruses.
✅The authors show safety, immunogenicity and efficacy after a single dose in several animal models including hamsters, mice and macaques.
💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 Bring on phase one trials in humans. This is very very good #COVID19 vaccine news. Also did I mention vaccine stable at 2-8C?😊😊😊
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