I remember when "legalize it" wasn't supported. It has been only in the last 30 years that public opinion on weed legalization has changed. Prior to that, weed was a non-starter, even for many liberals. What changed was consistently getting information out. Sharing real data.
Countering rhetoric and scare tactics with medical facts. And you saw just how much things changed when even some red states legalized it in the most recent election. Hell, one state even voted to decriminalize cocaine and heroin.
You can believe that defunding the police is a bad idea. You can believe that we NEED the police. But the idea that it's confusing is a bit disingenuous when several abolitionists have explained it both spoken and written. Have you tried to fix your confusion with information?
If not, aren't you really saying "i don't want the police to go away and i wish you'd stop pushing for that." I promise you most people who want the police defunded are fully aware that it's not currently a main stream position. Just like legalizing weed wasn't.
We push for a world where these radical positions gradually are seen as less radical because people are better Informed. We push for a world where lives are valued over feelings.
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