If you are seeking approval of your art and are shot down, stop crying. I'm sorry, I know that may sound harsh. I'm not trying to be. I'm trying to be pragmatic and the 1st sentence is a generalization. Specifically, if you are a recording artist looking to get chose, be aware.
Be realistic about your expectations and at the onset understand that what you are creating is subjective art. There are too many factors that deem your work likeable to any given audience. But your work being let free in the world does not guarantee an absolute of acceptance.
You have an audience, you just need to find it. The business of music will not bend to your will no matter how long you hold your breath. You don't get gold stars or gold records for that matter, for trying. There is no A for effort. That's not realistic.
You may or may not be as great as you believe you are. In this business you are a commodity. People who care within those buildings will, at times, be sure to help you get past you, or they may not, they may feed the ego a long as you keep laying platinum eggs.
This is the business. You open yourself up for judgement when you come in with your hand out. Mistake 1, why are you walking in with your hand out? Somebody could slap, or put s$&t in it or shake it, you have no idea. At that point you are begging. You are asking for help.
Sadly, this ain't that space. Historically, this business doesn't do well by those asking for help. Sometimes it will, but rarely. I'm not saying don't ask, I'm saying be mindful that they may put something in your hand you won't like, don't need or can't leave.
This business is full of hurt people hurting people. Rife with leeches, rats, rapists & thieves and at the same time full of loving, caring, empathetic folks that will give you the proverbial shirt, but you have to find them in a menagerie of fun house mirrors, but they are here.
But we are addressing your art. Your story. The question is why do you care about what they want when it's your truth? Acceptance? People will accept you. Are you good with it being 300 or 300K is the better question. That success is subjective also. Wealth, power all subjective.
Jay & Oprah aren't the richest people in the world, neither is the most powerful. Power and money, fame and fortune don't always go together. So what do you really want? You want praise? Run for office. You want people to sing your songs in what way, as a meme or as SZA?
The point is all the things are already at your disposal, there is no secret sauce, people may or may not fuck with you and it has nothing to do with you or it might be you. But if you want to compete in this business, you have to take the brunt & fire of this crucible.
And it sucks. It's sadistic at times but you opt in. Or opt the fuck out. Be indie, operate on your own time, make what you want, find your audience and bang out. Get your 100 or 100k fans and be good. Unless you really just want to be in it. Now that is the question, huh man?
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