On #WorldAIDSDay, let's recommit to honoring the lives lost in this epidemic by fighting for those living with #HIV/ #AIDS today. To ensure an AIDS-free future, we must end the stigma for seeking treatment, make PrEP widely available, and recognize health care is a human right.
Thanks is owed to the medical professionals, researchers, activists, and survivors who have tirelessly committed themselves to protecting the health and well-being of vulnerable or marginalized folks.

#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2020 #HIV
Thanks should be given to policymakers who press-on with the hope to change the fate of those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and who actually have the tools to make a different ending a reality.

#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2020 #HIV
Politicians who don't hold corporations accountable—as they make the treatment or any cure unaffordable—must face a reckoning, especially in light of the fact that #LGBTQ individuals and people of color still face disproportionately more barriers to safeguarding their well-being.
Measurable strides have been made, but there is still work to be done. HIV is preventable with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), but there are places where this is unaccessible or stigmatized treatment.

#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2020 #HIV #LGBT
Without health insurance, PrEP can be unaffordable if you are either unaware of or unable to access resources that could assist in purchasing this life-saving medication...
This treatment gap (limiting PrEP access) could stem from the persisting stigma of the virus or lack of access to: broadband internet, open-minded healthcare providers who are willing to provide unbiased information, and/or adequate community education surrounding sexual health.
Nearly 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the United States today. 1 in 7 people with #HIV in this country do not even know they have the virus. I urge you to take control of your sexual health. Know your status. Get tested. I do every year; in fact, I did just last week.
Anyone can get HIV. It's important to know there are ways to mitigate risks, including proper condom usage, practicing safe sex, not sharing needles, getting tested regularly if you're sexually active, and taking your medication if you are HIV-positive.

#WorldAIDSDay2020 #HIV
Remember, Undetectable=Untransmittable or U=U; effective treatment for HIV suppresses the virus and keeps the person living with it healthy while preventing transmission to their partners.

#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2020 #UequalsU #LGBT #LGBTQ #HIV #KnowYourStatus
We must enhance education surrounding the virus, combat misconceptions, and both listen to and learn from the stories of those who have lived with #HIV/AIDS. We must demand increased funding for prevention resources while we advocate for Medicaid Expansion and #MedicareForAll.
Furthermore, it's imperative to understand how this epidemic is exacerbated by existing social justice issues—including systemic racism and #LGBTQ+ inequality—which make living with #HIV/AIDS even harder for members of historically marginalized groups.

People of color & #LGBTQ folks are targets of systemic inequity that perpetuates diminished access to stable housing & employment, limited healthcare coverage, deficient legal rights or protections, & disparate treatment resulting from ignorance or just a general lack of respect.
A better future is possible for everyone, but we have to work to make that vision a reality. We all have a part to play. Decide what yours is today.

#WorldAIDSDay #WorldAIDSDay2020 #HIV
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