I think I'm going to lose my mind over vaccines.

As the opposition winds up its barrage of lies, misinformation and fear mongering, under cover of a complacent media in a "business as usual" mode, Canadians are losing faith.

In everything. But, notably, vaccines.
I'm hearing more people say they are not willing to be in the first groups, maybe not the second. "It's all so political, who knows anymore?"

You know what causes this?

Faithless opposition, on the left and the right, doing their best to undermine faith in the government.
They do this by lying.

And our media shrugs and says "that's how opposition works, you get away with what you can".

Nevermind they're getting away with it because some in the media are not doing their freaking jobs.
Nevermind what this says about the people we've elected to serve us. Serve us, you understand. SERVE us.

But here's the big thing, you idiots.

All that confidence you're gleefully eroding, visions of 24 Sussex in your head, is going to extend this crisis indefinately.
You're busy trying to build power and Canadians may not have enough faith in the government and the vaccine it says is safe for enough of us to take it.

You know what happens if an insufficient volume of us take it?

Your worst nightmare, that's what.
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