I suppose I am concerned that anyone would seriously say this for a few reasons
1 we don't deny cancer care to folks who smoke
2 we don't deny STI care for folks who have unprotected sex
3 we don't deny healthcare to convicted murderers. (thread)
4 liberals (myself included) believe that people are a product of their surroundings and do not blame individuals for using drugs, or other choices; is not the anti-mask idea. a product of different surroundings, being in a certain echo chamber
5. are articles like this helpful, or just more polarizing clickbait?

Will this deepen divides?

Lead to mistrust amongst doctors?
6. Isn't it unenforceable-- are you watching me to see if I wear a mask?

Isn't this some sick theater out of the movie Saw?
7 its not even a serious proposal as anyone who tried to implement this would likely face legal charges
8. there comes a point where self-righteousness gets in the way of common sense

None of us are perfect, and we all get ill, and doctors swear an oath to take care of people no matter what they did-- and this is no exception

I'll remember my oath
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