Every time you imagine something, you are pulling from a cloud of abstraction and molding it into little moving figures, shoebox stages, cardboard screens with a hole, letting in sunlight like a spotlight. Every Hypothesis is a Genesis, and you are the puppeteer.
Think about a man in your head, someone who isn't real. A complete creation. Instantly (if you're imaginative) he will have a face, a body shape, an age. Certain clothes, certain hair. He will have an environment, a personality, and soon he will have at least one other around him
Now that you have two creations in your mind, make them speak. Who the second? Male, female? Lover, friend, enemy, stranger? Are they in a park, sidewalk, office? Day, night, winter, summer? The entire span of time this story plays out in your head is the length of a universe.
Every time you picture a scenario in your head, you build an entire universe inside of your mind, an instant rendering of space and time that comes equipped with a full implied system of physical mechanics, countless millenia of context, and sensible functional upkeep
Most of the universes you build in your mind will resemble the one you live in, and most of the beings in your day dreams will resemble the human form because it is what you know and what you are familiar with. Most people usually don't deviate from our God given templates.
When you are made aware of the little game of God you play every time your imagination runs wild, you suddenly start wondering the implications of what you're doing and where it is going to go. There is a very good chance that you will choose to make your Imagined Man self aware.
The man in your imagination is freely given a full blast of cosmic apotheosis. You have given him the full context of knowledge, what the world you live in is, who you are, and how he has come to be, an entity of your thoughts
He concludes as you conclude that he has no free will
Every possible reaction is mere mimicry now, you choosing to puppet his revulsive panic attack at the knowledge that he isn't real. Perhaps you instead choose to make him comically indifferent. Or will he be sagely acceptance? Maybe derisively smug, in a "I already knew" scoff?
Will you warp and weave the world around your imagined man, lifting up the chunk of ground he stands on and rocketing him around a cavalcade of increasingly cartoonish warping realities? Will you show him geometrically impossible landscape, a field of rainbows, galactic sights?
Will you be cruel and torture him out of morbid curiosity?
Will you absent mindedly pry apart his limbs and juggle them telekinetically as you collapse the sky and scenery into flat plane folding open like an undone cardboard box?
Will you make him exist through millenia of void?
Keep in mind everything you do to this imagined man is what you do to yourself. Yet none of it has full effect on your psyche. Each piece of your mind you rip away from its whole to animate into being will eventually melt back into gray play dough to return to its clumpy legion
Yet you can't help but wonder what would happen if you went further to expand the perspective of the mind. What if it wasn't a person in an Earth you built but something alien? A creature of constantly shifting physics, built on slime and plasma, color like bacterian fever dreams
Then you ask yourself questions like what if your whole lifes experiences are merely the imagination of some Godhead. How could such complication and intricacy, such size and age of everything be the mere two minute daydream of some Pandimensional Superbeing? Your mind races
You think about where it ends. The Russian Nesting Doll of dreams within dreams, thoughts upon thoughts
An uncomfortable conundrum presents itself: Is your whole lifes perceptions a series of smoke and mirrors, lied backstories to make this thought world you live in seem complex?
Or is every ant, every bacteria, every atom, every grain of sand, every planet, every patch of sky, every single moment of boredom, every fart, every breath, every blink, with all the worlds people throughout history contemplating their own internal universes, all just a thought?
You wonder which of these two scenarios are more cosmically unerving and if you let your imagination run a little longer, your imagine man speaks up. He presents you one of your own thoughts in the unique voice inflection you gave him, you answer back in your own voice by reflex.
Suddenly you're talking to yourself now. You've created an imaginary friend, a golem, a tulpa. Your imaginary man speaks to you through the filter you provided for him and suddenly you're having a conversation with yourself. But it's no longer really yourself now is it?
Many children understood this concept long ago. Many people walk around with with these long neglected friends hiding in the closets of their minds. Like dusty old computers that stutter on after years of disuse
If you brought back your imaginary friends would they recognize you?
Have you created an imaginary person that was in your form? Your little 5 inch tall Diorama Doppelganger to copy everything you said and did in the way you did it? Do you think you're 100% accurate or perhaps altering yourself based on self image? What if you changed your You?
What if you built up the person that you truly wanted to be inside of your mind? Made real, now you've created someone that has the interactions you crave, wears the clothes you like, thinks the way you want, and gets the results you need? Perhaps you know this ideal well already
Perhaps, if you're clever you already started listening to this Ideal Imagined Man. You start copying the way he speaks, consciously making choices he would make. You start LARPing as your ideal self so much he climbs into the steering wheel and pushes you out of the way.
The form of yourself that was the definition of You giddily looks on as the body starts sprinting, earning, winning, and fucking. You sit in the corner and watch your Inner Made Up Chad LARP his way through life and get the results you want. The more he wins the bigger he gets.
As he grows, you shrink into nothing, eventually a marble sized ashy shriveled face is all that is left of your dying self. A soft smile and shut eyes is your personal funeral for the past you, your Inner Chad grows into a full sized man, taking complete control. He is you now.
This process is not seamless, it is not painless, and it not always successful
Many times this Inner Idealized Man is a false mimicry of misguided interests and retrospective cringe tastes
Each brush with reality as you attempt to mantle this created personality sharpens the next
Often you can embarrass yourself trying to look cool. You could reach physical, mental, and spiritual consequences from trying to copy what you think your Inner Chad would do. Every mental bruise that comes from your ideas not lining up with reality brings you closer to success.
The building blocks for your nearly infinite capacity for internal mental creation are all around you. The natural world was man's muse for fantastical stories. Everything since has been the reflection and regurgitation of these ancient primordial concepts.
Often your Inner Idealized Man could be the bastardization of characters you think are cool or badass from fiction. Many people pull together all the tendencies and aesthetics from their favorite books, shows, movies, & video games to create something to be sculpted by real life.
Or perhaps you have pulled the very image of people in your life to mimic. Various father figures, historical heroes, and men of fame and fortune you want to become all are fair game for your brain. But then you don't always use other people for just inspiration do you?
How many times have you pulled other people into your little imagination realm to communicate to?
Manipulate, play around with, argue with, torment, destroy or defile?
How many lobotomized doppelgangers of hot coworkers and classmates have you mentally done unspeakable things to?
The world in your head and the beings you pull in and out of existence on a whim are more than mere hologram. An idea on its own can do no harm, but all men react to ideas whether they choose to or not. A powerful enough idea becomes autonomous and can even escape its cage too.
Remember to be careful with your thoughts. Your thoughts are not harmless holograms but rather the noncorporeal shifters of action. A powerful enough thought can trade places in the mirror and steer you. Make sure that thought is a good one at least before that happens.
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