"We need to stay united. Let’s take down capitalism first," is starting to feel like a racist dogwhistle at this point.

I understand a lot of folks have genuine intent, but I've seen this talking point used to take down necessary callouts of white supremacist rhetoric that is being pushed on the left. (2/9)
& often these calls for unity are telling folks to unite with people that are racist, ablest, sexist, transphobic etc. How are we supposed to unite with people that would want to see us dead as soon as their goals are achieved? (3/9)
It's really troubling to see this coming from white folks particularly who have everything to gain from a take down of capitalism, but nothing to gain from a take down of white supremacy. (4/9)
Yes, you could argue that workers rights would improve everyone's lives but many of us have seen how white supremacy rebrands itself time and time again regardless of the economic system or party preference. (5/9)
We don't unite & we don't compromise with white supremacists on the left. & white supremacists aren't just pr*ud boys or tr*mpers. They are anyone that puts the needs of white folks before the needs of everyone else. Class reductionism is white supremacy. Period. (6/9)
Calling out racism is not divisive. Racism is divisive. The weakest links are not the folks fighting to keep our movements intersectional. It is the folks refusing to unlearn the bigotry that keep us weak. They are the ones that keep us divided. (7/9)
Further Reading:


it's a short read and it sites books that talk about the history of labor movements & race if you want to read even more.
(and as per usual if you learned something and are white &/or cis you can pay me for my labor venmo: @/shan-tilly) (8/9)
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