It blows my fucking mind that eyewitness testimony and expert forensic witnesses were paraded out like sheep to the slaughter and we still have no resolution to the epic voter fraud found. This is a fucking travesty. One man took his oath to drain the swamp. The swamp is too
Fucking deep. The "Drain the Swamp" movement is going to take moar than one fucking Great Man to do it. Our fight now is minesqule to the task ahead of us. This election is the clusterfuck that the Republican party allowed to happen. Why? Because the Republican party
(Politicians) are complicit too. There are soooooo many skeletons in ALL of [Their] closets that a Reset for democracy is not achievable. The "Machine" hiding under the rose of democracy and empty promises is literally what America has become. One man can not change that nor
Fix it. You people who day you are in the fight are but sheep who ducked up our Great Republic over years. A MAJOR RESET is needed. A new party must be constructed behind closed doors like the Peners of our great Constitution did. From the shadow of democracy warriors comes a
Fantastic duplority of equal rights for all. Equal rights for all has been dismissed and cliche pundits took over. WE ARE AMERICA, WE DON'T GET TOLD WHAT TO DO BY OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. WTP PAY YOU FUCKS TO REPRESENT US. NOT TELL US WHAT YO DO. A Hard change is what WTP need
And I think, believe and FULLY FUCKING SUPPORT @realDonaldTrump to lead and set forth the future plan to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. God bless you Donald Trump. I will ways be in debt to you for your love of America and Americans. So that being said, we know we have to rid our
HOUSE AND SENATE of the fucking establishment RINOS. [They] all talk a good bullshit game but fuck WTP in the end. We have some really Great young Americanists running for office. We must check them out and allow our Republic to become back what our founding fathers made us.
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