1/ My dad recounting how #vaccines were delivered in Diwaniya, a town 180km south of Baghdad where he grew up:

The nurse would rock up to the school on a bicycle w/the supplies in a milk crate tied to the back.

When the kids saw Abu-ubar (father of the needle) coming they'd...
2/ get very excited because it meant that once they all got their jabs, they'd have all classes cancelled for the rest of the day AND the next day.

There were no permission slips or consent forms.

The government paid for all the vaccines.

The kids would go home & notify...
3/ their parents they got jabbed.

Developing countries have very robust public health initiatives because often, more advanced care for late stage diseases is simply unavailable.

Individuals also accept the responsibility of protecting others & view protecting community as...
4/ important, if not more important than protecting self.

It's one of the reasons we're seeing a better response in so-called 'developing' countries than the US, the UK, & some European countries.

It's also striking how little media coverage there is of the countries...
5/ successfully fighting Covid using basic prevention techniques such as masking up, washing hands, & staying within immediate relative bubbles.

Developing countries also tend to hold doctors & scientists in high regard, trusting their intentions & giving weight to their...
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