I think the problem with this whole ‘should mixed people identify as black’ conversation is that it’s focused on the wrong thing. (A thread)
The majority of the time the issue I see ppl have with mixed ppl identifying as black is that mixed people/lightskin people are being used to filled the diversity/inclusion quota and there is still a misrepresentation of darksin people. (100% facts)
But then why is the conversation so focused on mixed people shouldn’t identify as black and not on what can people (in particular, mixed race people) do to change and increase the lack of representation of darker skinned women or educating mixed ppl on their privilege
Or have I missed the mark? If I have pls correct me
I feel like focusing on how ppl identify and in particular telling them they can’t identify as black can make them feel excluded and now defensive. If someone is defensive, I can’t imagine them being very open to hearing why this topic grieves you
it’s not black/darker skinned ppls responsibility to educate anyone in colourism but I just feel like if we’re gonna keep having the convo about how mixed people should identify, it might as well be made an approachable one that mixed race people will listen to
Anyways the real problem is that there’s a lack of representation dark skinned ppl (specifically women) in the media and I want to encourage everyone to educate themselves on coloursim and lightskin/mixed race ppl to educate yourselves on the the privilege you have x
We as mixed people need to speak up in the spaces we’re in and fight for there to be more representation of darkskinned people. Don’t sit quietly when there is a claimed diversity or inclusion in an environment that lacks darkskinned ppl.
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