Message 12/1/2020: As I drove to the ocean I tuned into the energy and quickly saw an image of Creator Father God in the sky. He was very tall and looked like the Michelangelo painting. He was filled with light and had such loving energy. He said that he is here to reclaim his
2. children of the light and to fill the planet from sea to shining sea and all around with the golden harmonics from the book of life. He is sending these to humanity and all the creatures of the earth both big and small. All life on earth is awakening with us. The second image
3. I see is of a peace angel throwing garlands of laurel and olive branches to the earth, setting the energy to usher in a time of peace. Next I see snowflakes falling around me like a heavy New England snowstorm. These snowflakes represent frequencies that are being sent to us
4. in great abundance to prepare our energy fields for the increased energies of awakening. Finally I am shown an image of Sitting Bull who is seated very placidly smoking a peace pipe. He indicates to me that he and many of the Native ancestors knew that this day would come,
5. the great unification of the human tribe. Sitting by the ocean on this beautiful windy day, I noticed the water’s waves moving swiftly toward the shore. This indicates the intensity and the quickness of the changes soon to occur on earth. Tuning into the energy I hear,
6. “Ah yes, today the energies have reached a tipping point, the culmination of countless hours of preparation of those who knew this day was to come. Now the clock is ticking the countdown to when the darkness will be no more. It is as if we can hear the hands of the clock
7.moving as we have anticipated this time for so long. It is now upon us. 12/21 marks the end of the reign of darkness & the structured beginning to the Age of Enlightenment, the dawn of a new day for planet earth. You see so many are still engrossed in the drama of daily events.
8. The masses are awakening yet there remain many who still depend on outer authority to dictate how they are supposed to conduct their lives. However, is getting to the point where the requests from this authority are so constrictive that those who like to abide by the rules
9. are now being caused great discomfort and are beginning to question authority. This is very good because once the questioning begins there is an opening for truth to enter, you see? This is when we ask you, the children of light to continue to bring the harmonies that allow
10. others to feel a sense of calm in your presence and know everything is going to be ok. We assure you that this time of awakening is progressing so well and like a scene in a movie, will soon reach its most dramatic point. It is at this time we ask that you gather
11. your spiritual strength, that you stand firm in your spiritual integrity and be the calm presence in the storm that others will look to for guidance. Know all is a show of events in which humanity are the players. Be the wayshower that reminds others that in order
12. to best navigate the change in plot from the old world to the new world they must live from the place of spirit. The darkness who once ruled and projected their grim reality onto humanity is now being given the directive to leave and never return to earth. This is such a
13. good thing for humanity as it will usher in the great Golden Age of Enlightenment. However, we understand the psyche of humanity and understand the vast amount of conditioning there has been to allow humanity to believe the way of the darkness was the only way of
14. being in this world, that suffering is the norm. Ha, we say! There is no greater lie. The illusion of suffering being the norm was the only way that the darkness could operate and survive on this planet. With awakening comes the truth that the Creator of all has always
15. desired for his children to live in joy. The darkness has no place in such a belief system. They would suffocate in the energy of love and joy and perish. That is why they designed reality in a way that purposely prevented humanity from experiencing the love that they are.
16. Now there are stop signs and dead ends everywhere for the darkness. They have been called out. They have been shown for who they are. They are now standing on a beach watching the water recede and see the gigantic tsunami of the unification of humanity form,
17. a wave which quickly crashes over them leading to their utter defeat. This is victory of the light, this your freedom and liberation, you see? With the darkness gone,a world of infinite joy and abundance will be revealed. Know this as truth for when you encounter the doubting
18. Thomases who try to convince you that the world still operates in the old world view. You know better now. You have the understanding that this old world has passed away with the defeat of the darkness and a new world of love is blossoming so plentifully, so beautifully in
19. the hearts and minds of humanity which has begun to anchor in and create the new reality. You are all such important parts of this process. There is no one person who has a greater contribution than another as you are all part of the collective of humanity and are all
20. equally loved by the Creator. You all have abundant gifts that many will soon start to realize & you will have the freedom to use these gifts as part of the new world. You will for the first time in many lifetimes have the permission to live as your authentic self. It does
21. not get much better than this. Each human is a unique divine creation of the Creator. It brings great joy to the Creator for each one of your to live in joy being yourself. Once you are liberated you can explore the higher echelon of spiritual living in the energies of love
22. and joy. We are here with you in the sky above sending you great love and blessings, blessings, blessings. We sit and watch, monitor and send the frequencies that best assist in your awakening. Remember we are here with you heart to heart, encouraging you to continue on
23. your journey of self discovery. We bid you well on the day. The Pleiadians”
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