Just finished a day of tech for a live digital show @swkplay and I am struck by the nuance and thoroughness of @RaddingtonB's interrogation of digital liveness. https://twitter.com/theatremagazine/status/1333760825258090499
In a world where our experiences have become more and more divided and separate I still believe that digital theatre can and should offer the risk, communality, and genuine temporal togetherness of live.
In live theatre we are always aware that things don't have to turn out a certain way. The end literally hasn't been filmed yet.
I'm always struck by how in a good production of Romeo and Juliet, it seems genuinely conceivable that they won't die this time. The end still hasn't been recorded or acted and in the present lies infinite possibility for how things might turn out
When I directed Shift+Alt+Right by @HilmiJaidin which I livestreamed from my flat, each night as the tragedy unfolded it seemed eminently possible that this time, Jay might make a different choice. Meanwhile different cuts and different acting choices were made each performance.
During a SIGNAL online concert in May @ANDREWrBUTLER performed live in Brooklyn just after Indy Angel in Melbourne and their performances were not only related but reverberated across the world. They were in dialogue. They affected each other in a way videos wouldn't.
Over the next two weeks I'm producing two new musicals live from @swkplay. They won't be time delayed, they won't be available after. Audiences have to make a commitment to join us as we create a piece of theatre that is detailed, crafted and made specifically for them.
I have always felt that the reason I work in theatre is for that metaphysical and emotional stacking caused by all of the layers lining up among a shared group at a shared moment. Theatre frequently makes me cry and laugh and gives me goosebumps in a way films and TV don't.
I have noticed that whether made by me or others, that truly live digital work evokes that same sense of emotion, that same sense of philosophical rightness and alignment as live theatre. It isn't the same. But some of it bears an uncanny resemblance.
If you want to see what I'm talking about then I hope you might join us for one or both of the shows I am currently making with an extraordinary team of people. Anything could happen. And happen it will.
You can follow @AdamLenson.
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