My final thoughts on Gintama might not be what you’d expect, but after finishing, I came to the conclusion that this series is... Great. That’s it. Nothing more nothing less, just great. It was a fun experience that brought me joy, some sadness, and laughter.
I liked it, to say the least. My expectations for this show were indeed high but sadly, they were not met. I don’t really understand the hype surrounding this as much as others do. I’m glad they enjoyed what I wasn’t able to though.
I mainly want to talk about episodes 300-367 because that’s what you usually see people talking about when Gintama is being discussed. These episodes were good but not amazing. Not that special to me at all. Really didn’t hit for me too much or had me excited while watching.
I really had the highest of expectations before watching 305 and when I was done, I truly was at a lost for words like it said, but it wasn’t because I found it groundbreaking as I was told it would be. The episode was good but I had mixed feelings of disappointment and found it-
Quite underwhelming. When that particular shot appeared, I was expecting to get up and scream “GOAT” but I didn’t remotely feel like this moment was worthy of such high praise. This was not peak fiction, let alone zenith of the medium. I simply lied to myself so I can try to-
Be satisfied with what I watched. I wanted to believe that I liked this episode a lot but I just couldn’t. It just wasn’t that special. I tired to compare it to other shows moments I feel are some of the greatest I’ve watched but that only ended up making it worse.
Enough of 305, let’s talk about FS arc. FS was nothing to me other than a bundle of disappointment. I don’t get the appeal at all. I will never understand how someone can have this in their top 10 arcs because honestly, this probably isn’t even top 30 for me.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t like it or it shouldn’t be in your top 10, I just would never understand what was so special about that arc. I was disappointed with a lot of things and I really don’t get why that shot of Nobume is so hyped up. FS maybe a 7 or 8/10 arc for me.
Another thing I really don’t get is why I never see Gintama fans talking about ep 326?? Literally a top 3 episode in the entire show and I’ve never seen it being mentioned once... More emotionally driven and shows the best of the trio working together more than any other episode.
Soul Silver arc... Man. I don’t even think I should speak on this too bluntly. I didn’t really enjoy this arc too much. First, I wasn’t too happy about the whole immortality concept they introduced. I feel like they just didn’t execute it right. Second, the comedy was terrible.
I know it’s a comedy but I hated how everytime they were in a serious situation they would throw in a dick/poop joke and ruin the entire mood. I would have given this arc a 7/10 but Tama had such a great moment I put it at an 8/10. Anything besides that, off the top of my head-
I can’t remember anything special about it. The transition from the ending of the last fight to the last few episodes was weak imo. Didn’t favor that at all unfortunately.
I would talk about the things I loved from Gintama but this thread would be too long. I’ll make a thread on that if you guys want me to. This was more of a rant because I was kind of mad that it didn’t live up to my expectations. Hopefully the final movie will change my outlook-
On this series but right now, I don’t even know if I’ll put it in my top 10 and if I do, it’d be at #10.
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