If you would rather lean back than lean in, Lux Magazine is for you
If you'd rather abolish the DoD than put a woman in charge of it, Lux Magazine might be for you
If you think a Lavender Scare sounds pretty cool 😈, Lux Magazine may be for you
If you're looking for the deep Cut, Lux Mag is for you
If you had a real Hot Girl Summer, Lux Mag is for you
If you are singularly uninspired by the phrase “all female communications team,” Lux Magazine might be for you
If you ride heavy for Rosa, Audre, Sylvia, Marsha, Angela, Lucy, Frida, bell, Silvia, Clara, Assata, Leslie, Pauli, Mariarosa, Vivian, Lorraine and Emma
 Lux Magazine is for you
If you "wish to burden the conscious of the bourgeoisie with all the suffering and all the bitter tears" then Lux Mag is for you
If you believe nothing is too good for the working class then Lux Magazine might be for you
If you are the long-legged socialist who declined to fuck Barack Obama, Lux Mag is for you
Lux Magazine is for the masses, Lux Magazine is for you.

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