ranking the cast of dawson’s creek:
9. mitch leery

too self-righteous and looks like he’s made of plasticine. should have forgiven gail. also seems to have been leeching off gail and making no money then gets pissed when she says he has no ambition. lazy white man.
8. dawson leery

far too sanctimonious. had a twisted idea of right and wrong and doesn’t understand nuance. believes his dream is the most important thing. inconsiderate. slut shames everyone. toxic masculinity dressed up as a nice guy.
7. andie mcphee

seems to be having a real crisis of identity post s2. does some really dumb things like cheat and steal. doesn’t take responsibility for her actions. takes advantage of pacey.
6. joey potter.

holds one hell of a grudge and also can’t seem to speak properly. feels too sorry for herself. over analyses everything to the point of exhaustion. never clear what her issue is tbh. also she sings twice and it’s bad
5. jack mcphee

so dumb that he wrote some stupid poem and thus outed himself. steals joey from dawson basically. gets too scared to kiss a boy (it’s weird). joins a frat. dates a policeman.
4. gail leery

an icon. a legend. the voice of reason. a hopeless romantic. loses points for the affair with her co-anchor. also the hair. why does it get bigger every time she appears on screen?
3. pacey witter

the heart of the show. misunderstood but doesn’t do anything to help himself. doesn’t acknowledge that he was essentially abused by a teacher. makes too many gay jokes. also was a stock broker. far too good and it’s actually a weakness.
2. grams

she is the moment. she is everything. i don’t know a better woman. glad they wrote out that weird bit about her being racist as it really didn’t fit. opens her heart and her home to the creek and doesn’t get enough screen time. a legend. we stan.
1. jen lindley

perpetually misunderstood, abused and chastised. essentially had a really traumatic childhood and young adulthood, only to be bullied and slut shamed. but actually the kindest and warmest person. treated awfully by the writers (that ending). a beautiful spirit.
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