No, Critical Race Theory is about calling every system that's not in the control of the Critical Race Theorists "racist" until it is. It also proceeds from a modified Hegelian structure that rejects Christianity in favor of an alchemy-based Germanic Volk religion.
Hegel, the religio-philosophical (theosophist) foundation of all Critical Theory, including CRT, saw Christianity and its God (as the "I am" that is rather than the History that becomes) as the fundamental error, it's definitely not compatible with Christianity.
Hegel believed that Christianity was what stole away a true German nationalist identity from the German Volk. (There's an idea with consequences...) He preferred to a God that *is* (atemporally) an Absolute that becomes through the inevitable progress of History.
The inevitable progress of History is achieved, for Hegel, by an alchemical process by means of the dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis. This allows the Absolute to actualize itself, which ends History (i.e., an anti-Christian eschaton).
Marx took up this idea as "dialectical materialism," which is quite famously the (not very Christian) process of History becoming communist, a realized global Volk. The Frankfurt School arose to push the dialectical process beyond where Marx and his acolytes could take it.
It is this dialectical process that is presented in Kritische, as in Kritische Theorie, which gave rise to Kritische Rassentheorie, i.e., Critical Race Theory. Even the split between "Traditional Theory" and "Critical Theory" perfectly mirrors Hegel's "Understanding" and "Reason"
That is, @ZaackHunt, wrong.
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