Batman is really enjoying himself here.

[art by Win Mortimer, 1951]
WORLD’S FINEST covers from before Superman and Batman started teaming up are often charming.
“What will we show Superman, Batman and Robin doing this month?” the editors would ask themselves. “Something eye-catching, and that works in a single image…"
Jalopy race!
“Hey, Superman! Pose as if you’re flying for me!”

“As if?”

“Yeah, I can fake around it."
“Ah, Superman, can’t you just…”

“Let’s let Robin handle this one, okay? It’s his turn."
“Hey, Batman, wasn’t Robin a little gloaty about that rescue last month?”

“Yeah, he was. Hey, there’s that same girl again!"
Finally, Superman pulls his weight (and then some).
This was Robin’s idea, you just know it.
“Yeah? Dark Knight, huh? Whaddya gonna do about it, Dark Knight?"
“Hey, I know! Let’s sell some newspapers, guys!”

“Uh…sure, Robin! Let’s get going!"
“Say! Check out the big honkin’ Etch-a-Sketch, guys!”

“That’s some nice work! And cutting-edge technology, too!"
“Man! Every time you try to have a picnic with unnamed attractive women!”

“Thanks, Superman! We owe you one!"
Sometimes it’s a scenario of grave danger, like when you’re trapped on a sinking ship…with Superman.
“Ahhh! Fuck!"
“What should we do today, fellas?”

“Let’s make life difficult for the working poor!”

“Sounds great!"
These covers are all about making Robin feel great.
And since so many of you have asked, here he is:
These are so great, but I’m gonna stop now, because Superman’s wink is perfect.
If you want more, go to and enjoy yourself...
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