Wether AG Barr is a white hat, grey hat, black hat, is unknown. What is obvious though is that the people we were told to “trust” are the very people that seem to be opening the door to the Insurrection Act.
I’m starting to think “trust (insert name)” isn’t meant for us to trust that these people will do what we are hoping and expecting from them, but rather trust that they will play the role that was given to them to ensure we get to a point where it is both appropriate...
and demanded that the military step in. Because remember, “Think about it logically. The only way is the military.” Whats even more interesting about that drop is that it says 11.3 (Election Day) will serve as the first marker.
Starting to think this plan was always about this particular election. Everything else over the last 4 years has been setting the stage for this moment in time. We are now at the part of the movie where it appears that the bad guys will win...
and the part where the military steps in and saves us all like the heroes that they are.

Keep the faith, Patriots. Remember that Trump has yet to flex any of his Presidential powers including. Have you researched the extent of power Trump has during a national emergency?
If not, that should be the first thing you do after reading this. Simply put, it is fascinating, and the fact that he has yet to use these powers show us how comfy he really is. If Trump was worried at all, he would have used these powers already.
And last, we LITERALLY have the script to this movie we are watching, yet so many of you have yet to take the time to dig into the drops. That blows my mind. It has all been laid out for us, and there are still so many connections in the drops that need to be made and...
deserve all eyes on. Yet, so many of you still haven’t read a single drop, and as a result are wondering why it appears as if the sky is falling and Trump is going to lose this battle. Please, wake up. Stop waiting for the media to spoon feed you the truth about what...
is really going on right now both publicly, and behind the scenes, stop waiting for the DOJ, FBI, etc to do what clean and non corrupt agencies would do, because these things will never happen. The entire point of the last 4 years was to expose all of this, show...
everyone how corrupt our leaders and agencies are, so that you will be exactly where you are right now demanding justice, which will then allow justification for the military to step in and take over. If the DOJ and the FBI did what you wanted them to do right now...
it wouldn’t serve the purpose of this military plan. Them cooperating with us wouldn’t help us expose these non-fixable agencies which are in question. Although hard to swallow, what you are seeing right now IS the plan. So please, before you spend your night panicking...
GO READ THE DROPS! Not only will it help you gain a better understanding of what is going on, but your particular eyes and mind might see a connection that has not been discovered yet, because as we have consistently been told, “you have more than we know”, it’s just a matter...
of putting all the pieces together and connecting all of the dots. This plan heavily relies on the Trump and the military, but do you know what else it heavily relies on?

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