The culture at Arsenal under Arsene Wenger to me was like kids playing for their dad’s football team every weekend

Fabregas said that while players like Nasir and RVP were pissed off after loses, the rest weren’t
They were focused on what parties to attend and what cars to buy

Bellerin came out and said “alexis was so obsessed with winning he was too damaging on the rest of the team”

These players are arsenal treat this club like a Sunday league team because of the comfortable culture
Under Wenger they knew if they played shit, they will play the following week because they felt like they are all playing for “daddy’s” football team not an establishment called Arsenal

We fans don’t deserve what we getting right now, none of us do. We deserve better
It’s like ordering a 3 course meal at a 5* restaurant and getting a burger.

This is what we arsenal fans are getting

These players needs to start caring about us fans

We get roasted and bantered off by our Mates coz of them.

We have no let to start on
We barely scoring goals

We are 14th

How can we defend these players

“Oh but they won the FA cup”

We ain’t in August

I’m sick and tired of this, I want things to be better and hope we turn it around starting with our mentality and results
This can’t carry on

If these players really care about fans, they will leave everything on the pitch on the one game we never want to lose and that’s the NLD vs Spurs

We will be behind you morons on Sunday

Don’t let us down
Don’t let us get humiliated

Not this game
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