Let's take a step back and talk about credibility in the news media. This will be a thread, and I doubt many people will read it, but I want to put it out there and see what even a couple people think.

I don't think it is unfair to say that there is bias in the media.
What we need to focus on though, is recognizing what is bias, and what is just information that does not conform to our existing beliefs, and may be something that is hard for us to accept as objective fact. I am personally a fan of @CNNPolitics, but I watch it knowing...

... that there is bias there. However, I take what people like @DanaBashCNN, @ChrisCuomo, @wolfblitzer, and others say in two parts:

1. What is the content of what they are saying?
2. How are they presenting this information, and is the information itself objectively true?

There are many times where I think that perhaps the method in which information is presented may give the impression of bias, and there probably is some bias there.
There is bias in every news outlet. After all, news outlets are a business. They choose which stories to run...

... based on what their viewers need to know, but also on what is good for ratings. If news outlets didn't consider ratings in their content, then @TuckerCarlson and @seanhannity probably would not be as well known for their work. If there wasn't bias or anchors were not...

... allowed to riff on stories, then a lot of people probably would not watch. It simply wouldn't be entertaining. And that is the problem. People demand entertainment. Think about your favorite news anchor or reporter. If they were not allowed to show emotion or inject...

... their thoughts on the subject, it would be the same as reading a newspaper. While some people would prefer that, it makes the news very bland and unengaging.
So while we can blame bad fringe outlets on the far ends of both sides, we also need to recognize why it works.

After the last 5 years of being told that the MSM is biased, or lies to us, it is fair for people to have concerns about the validity of the news they consume from their favorite outlets. I'm not shaming people for liking one outlet or another. I just think we need to...

... recognize that we cannot discount a MSM outlet on either side, while we claim that a fringe outlet is less biased. What you will find is that the fringe outlet is more biased. MSM outlets are beholden to corporate ownership made up of diverse groups that keep a check...

...on what is published. While there are always situations where outlets have to retract statements, they do it because they are committed to getting it right.
I don't have all the answers, but we need to start by realizing that fringe outlets are not less...

... biased than mainstream. Fringe outlets serve special interests and gain popularity by playing on people's fears and implicit biases against those who are different.
We have to come together to bring objective truth back in media, and stop listening to...

...fringe outlets that grow popular by appeasing the President.

What are your thoughts?
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