Political/ideological foils of this Cuban moment:

In this conversation, artist Tania Bruguera, w a long history of supporting global left causes like migrant rights, compares what occurred at MINCULT to her own experiences with the horizontal organizing of Occupy Wall St. https://twitter.com/eltoquecom/status/1333826589516238848
Sobre esto último, one has to recognize, AT LEAST, that sending U.S. chargé to appear in the middle of this, even puntualmente, es a torpeza, given the history/legacies/sensitivities. Les sirvió al noticiero nacional su contenido en una bandeja de plata.
And, ironically, another State Dept official calling himself a "colleague" of Cubans in question earlier le hace daño precisamente a las personas o procesos que dice apoyar.
I'll repeat what I said previously: the more this becomes a U.S.-Cuba spat, the more it distracts from difficult, necessary conversations Cubans are having with one another.

In my view, Americans & Cubans should do everything they can to avoid that becoming the case.
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