I think watching a perfectly happy lesbian woman with her wife and child very suddenly feel compelled to change her entire identity, upend her family, toss her child into an oblivion of confusion and seek to permanently disable her body to conform to male stereotypes is an issue.
Its one thing to feel overwhelmed by the limitations of your body and seek to live as the opposite sex because it feels more 'like you.'

But its another to behave as though all of this is a sudden medical condition requiring you to upend your entire life for temporary feelings.
As we grow into adulthood we have to consider people other than just ourselves, especially when we've committed to our spouse and children.

Transition should be rare and a last resort when a person is unable to find resolution in their disabling anxiety.

Not putting on a hat.
You are physically disabling a healthy body and creating lifelong health problems to cure an emotional disorder.

It should be carefully thought out.
It should be like amputation, only when there is no other option.

Its not a fashion trend.
Its not a tattoo.
Couldn't Page live a happy healthy life with her wife and child and simply embrace her masculine qualities?

Why is the first reaction to gender nonconforming behavior, 'something is wrong with you?'

Gender is not a clothing style.
Its not a hair cut.
In the end its her choice and she's free to do as she pleases.

But I don't believe we are obligated to clap along pretending its a positive thing.
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