Gonna babble for a sec... 🏳️⚧✨

Reactions to @theElliotPage have been so validating. I'm not the only trans*bloke or enby who feels it. A rush of not only joy for *him*, but adrenaline at seeing all the support. It's... a really beautiful thing. So, thank you world. 🖤 (1/11)
The reason I'm babbling is... well. Cards on the table? I've had a heinous few months mentally. Especially with gender dysphoria. Especially... with my appearance and my voice.

I've got so many videos and parodies I want to record, and I miss streaming with y'all SO much. (2/11)
I'm ashamed to have postponed my audiobook. Recording Cabe is a cycle of loving my emotion/texture, then realizing it's pitched "too high" and going down a hole of self-hatred and claustrophobia in my own body. Whilst remembering I gotta rep it for my higher-voiced bruvs! (3/11)
What sucks is I have literally the most AMAZING support network. YES, YOU? READING ALL THIS? YOU'RE FANTASTIC, AND I LOVE YOU. In fact, I'd argue I'm in a position where I'm privileged enough to have one of the best support systems in place I could ever hope to have, EVER. (4/11)
Colleagues encourage me. Directors take shots on me. Friends/fans speak up for me. Every accidental "she" rolls off like water over wax. I'm in a good place!

It's like... the problems are *internal*. It's all about me: how I see myself, and my own anxiety and self-abuse. (5/11)
Anyhow enoughofthat, BACK ON POINT!

Trans* folx, especially those who're suffering, see your support of Elliot Page. And there's SO MUCH support. Everyone's commenting, even if it's just a quick "fuck yeah!" All the bullshit is being drowned out by messages of positivity! (6/11)
Because of this, I haven't had to see any of the selfish comments, questions about medical plans, or even a single crude joke. All that's come across my timeline is love. It don't mean the hate doesn't exist — just that our love is shining so, so, SO much brighter. (7/11)
As trans*folx, we're sitting and watching the world just... accept Page. Love him, celebrate him, and NORMALIZE him. And there is something disgustingly revoltingly *WONDERFUL* in that. The outpouring of those championing him is overwhelming, and we totally see it. 💗✨ (8/11)
As a queer who's struggling with just being himself day to day, just *surviving*... someone who's worried about his future and his work and life in general... I'm sitting here for the first time in months not feeling like a freak of nature, or a monster, or a total joke. (9/11)
I feel maybe it *is* okay to be me, and follow the path I'm following. Like maybe the real joke is the cruel one I'm playing on myself: where I refuse to just let myself BE. Where I always compare myself to others, and forget I have the right to be my *own* archetype. (10/11)
So, thank you. For being there for us. Sometimes, it really is the smallest of gestures that keeps us going. ✨🚀

#LGBTQ #LGBTQRights #LGBTQIAfamily #TransPride #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransIsBeautiful (11/11)
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