I see an impulse here is to begin talking about how important it is that we not assume that Elliot Page is a man. what's embedded in this? why is it insulting to call someone a transgender man? a transgender man is a wonderful thing to be
"it's limiting!" is it? I don't know if it is. I don't find it to be so. who told you that it was limiting to be a transgender man? why do you think they told you that?
for many trans mascs, we hear a lot of this kind of, what--"reassurance"? reassurance that we might not be that awful thing, that worst case scenario: A Transsexual. hot take: a transsexual man is a very fine thing to be. people should be flattered to be mistaken for us.
btw, you know what's also a very fine thing to be? a butch dyke. I went through a lot of years of being really upset by this misrecognition until I realized it only pained me coming from people who hated butch dykes. top ten "things I wish I knew earlier" tbh
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