. @amberinzaman' reporting the secret talks between Turkey and Israel brought back my old days in Israel between 2015-2018. As a diplomat who had the chance to observe the whole normalization episode back then, I wish to share my own take on this. https://twitter.com/amberinzaman/status/1333517801080954888
Israel was ambivalent to normalize relations with Erdogan's Turkey in 2016, but back then the gains for Israel were plenty. First, pursuant to the normalization deal, Turkey lifted its veto and Israel could open a permanent office at #NATO HQ.
Second, in return of 20 million dollars, Turkey dropped the charges against the Israeli officials who were responsible for killing 10 Turkish citizens. That eliminated the risk of international trial of the Israeli officials and took away a huge headache for Israel.
Third, the deal was signed in the two 'capitals'. Turkish diplomats brought the copies of the deal and had them signed by the Israeli side in Jerusalem. This was indeed practical recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Fourth, Israel was hoping to sell natural gas through Turkey. A few months after the normalization deal was signed, Israeli Energy Minister visited Turkey and met his counterpart Berat Albayrak. Energy talks continued, but the sides couldn't agree on the terms.
As for Turkey, the gains were much less and none were materialized. Just one example: even though the Turkish cities at its southern border were under rocket attacks from Syria, Israel refused to sell low and mid range missile defense systems to Turkey.
However, Turkey made a big mistake by expelling the Israeli Ambassador in Ankara. This step led to the expulsion of the Turkish Consul General in Jerusalem, who was indeed an ambassador and responsible for Turkey's relations with Palestine.
For almost two years, Turkey was represented at a lower diplomatic level to Palestine. That did not happen even during Mavi Marmara crisis. I am glad that this mistake has finally been rectified by appointing Ambassador Ahmet Riza Demirer as Consul General in Jerusalem.
Back to the issue of trust between TR and IL, I should point out that many Israelis now believe that real normalization with Turkey is NOT possible as long as Erdogan is in power. Check out @RANDCorporation's report. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR2400/RR2445/RAND_RR2445.pdf
Reports by @amberinzaman, however, demonstrates a bitter reality that Turkey desperately wants to break the isolation it faces in the region. Remember, we read the news that Turkey's intelligence was in contact with Egypt to normalize relations. https://ahvalnews.com/turkey-egypt/contact-between-turkish-egyptian-intelligence-officers-may-bring-wider-dialogue
Also note that @MevlutCavusoglu met with Saudi FM @FaisalbinFarhan a few days ago during the OIC Council and tweeted that they had a sincere meeting, hoping for a thaw in bilateral relations.
Turkey's attempt to break its isolation is apparent, but its sincerity is highly questioned by other regional countries. Well, if you threaten to cut ties with the #UAE upon the #AbrahamAccords, your attempts to normalize relations with IL would only be seen as signs of despair.
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