Poll watcher in Michigan testifying that black lives matter people wore rhinestones. This was a problem for her.
This man walked up, swore himself in, and he's talking about his internet radio show.
In his experience hosting an internet radio show he saw the voting machines connected to a router.
He is now crying because he needs proof the votes are valid (not that they were fraudulent) or they will not accept the results. Now getting applause.
This is Dave. Dave is struggling a little but to get his story out. His proof of fraud is that they stopped counting at night and in the morning when they restarted it was too quiet in the room.
Linda who is a nurse believes covid is fake. She believes only a sneeze or cough spreads covid. Having a mask below your nose does not spread covid.
This is Holly there was fraud because she felt like the democrat watchers were looking at her.
This is Robin she just said "cock blocking" she refused to wear a mask correctly and was harassed. She follows that up by saying "ADA" with no other explanation.
She keeps going over her time and everyone wants her to stop.
Here's Bill. I'm not sure what he's doing here. He doesn't seem positive either. He says the counting room was hot, he carried a thermometer that said 85 degrees.
Here's Matt, he loves FREEDOM. He was at the stop the steal rally. He wasn't a poll watcher. He is saying Obamas reign of destruction was caused by dominion voting machines. His testimony is about signs he saw at a rally.
Mr Parker. He said he got tired waiting to get into watch the votes being counted and left. He thinks because of this they should pass a law to redo the entire election.
Polly. She said that so many ballots were only for Biden with nothing down ballots selected. She says the electors should elect Trump because that means it's fraud.
Vickie. An Asian man brought in ballots to be counted. That's it. That was her whole story.
Vickie. A lot of the ballot envelopes were closed with packaging tape. She saw workers that had pens.
Now @SenPeterJLucido is asking questions but his question sounds like it was supposed to be for a different witness because she doesn't know what he's talking about.
John says ballots arrived to be counted after the "election deadline" which doesn't exist. He's now yelling.
Terri said she saw a video at someones house that poll workers were told to be mean to her, she thinks maybe on YouTube.
Ronna Ross. You'll never guess. She felt harassed. She switched lanyards and lied about her party affiliation which she just admitted. There was not any signage for signing in and out, that was it.
Eugene Greenstein. Absentee ballots are all fraudulent. He said he hadn't heard anyone else say this.
Ms Halpert. People were mean. She said someone brandished a letter opener. Workers took to long to count military ballots, possibly on purpose.
Dr Linda Lee Tarver. I looked and she's not a doctor (lol). She has photos of herself online with Trump. Shes yelling a lot but not about anything in particular. It's fraud, etc she's happy to answer any questions.
She said ballots were to pristine to be real, not crinkled enough.
She's still going.
This is the greatest moment of her life.
She is being racist now. This is very odd.
"voting by mail disenfranchises people"
Miss Fine was not at any polling place she refuses to stop testifying. "check out the covid"
Michael Hayes "I don't have much to offer" says he was forcibly removed from a polling location. He didn't see fraud, but "a dog wags it tail" so he knows something happened here. He's very close to saying the n word I think.
Claims he's not racist at the end.
Eddie walks up wearing a giant orange hat. "I seen a lot of fraud". Mentions eating at Mr Bs Tavern.
Gordon isnt sure but heard poll workers were paid $600 in Detroit, evidence of fraud, possibly!
Angelique. A scanner wouldnt take a ballot, the workers discussed what to do. She thinks maybe it was a person voting twice. Shes not sure but it seemed like it.
that wraps it up, the michigan senate republicans outside of @SenPeterJLucido seem relieved they no longer have to deal with this.
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