there is too much discourse around it being TIME TO BUILD and not enough building. BUIDL grants fix that by paying young people to stay off twitter for a week and BUIDL. apply now!
several very generous people have already asked to contribute money to get zoomers off twitter, i have not got that set up yet because i wasn’t expecting it but i will soon. if you’d like to contribute cash DM me we’ll make it work.
the first acceptances will probably go out next week, i am mobilizing people to help me review them as they come in - we have more than a dozen already, totally unexpected volume.

zoomers really want to get offline.
in some ways this is a dry run for bigger experiments down the road in this sort of direct action / organizing, but this is mainly a fun thing that i have the resources to do.

shut the fuck up and make something cool for a week and i’ll pay you.
i don’t know if @default_friend actually thought anyone would take this idea and run with it but ‘moving quickly and impulsively’ has been a successful m.o for me for some time now
@genzmafia are you listening!
if you have already dm’d me about this dw i haven’t missed it / forgotten, i’m just blocking out time to get through them all, the response here has been far in excess of anything i expected from ‘take my friend’s joke and run with it’
i should have learned what comes of ‘take a joke and run with it’ from the last time i did that and it blew up
discourse considered harmful
it’s actually smart and based on a smart synthesis take our money
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